Tuesday 15 November 2011

Moving to Tumblr

So after reading so many different blogs and finding out the advantages of creating different accounts to source out which one suits me best, I've decided to move to tumblr - Andrea P

Its really like when you were a kid and you setup your first email account, everyone I knew setup one in yahoo, hotmail and gmail. But as the years go by, you sorta get stuck onto just the one; the one that comes easiest to you with minimum effort.

This is one of those things.

If you are a follower, then click on the link above (Andrea P) and follow me there :)

Maybe I'll c you blogspot at a later mature stage, but for now its just "cya later"

Monday 14 November 2011

Channelling my inner creative blog

The hardest thing to do with blogging for me is figuring out what title to save it as. Its so crazy !! The content of it comes easy coz I have a lot to say and there's not enough hours in the day or enough people in my life to listen to it all plus ranting is just not cool when done face to face. (no room for escapeeee).

I've recently become obsessed with this particular blogger who I once bought a jacket from. Her name is Stefni luvieur, she takes the most amazing photographs, travels to amazing places and has such a creative streak to her blog, its inspiring.

Right now her posts is my daily routine. I'm trying to channel her view and merge it into my very new photography phase. You might start to see a similar trend between the blogs coz I can be a bit of a copy cat but I will try my hardest to incorporate my own unique style into it.

Once I figure out what that is !!

First Photography class

So I had my first photography workshop last night. It went on really late, really wanted to update the blog about it by that time.

The location was in Canning Vale (lucky me, 2 mins away) and its this quiet little studio hiding away behind all the big industry buildings off Banister Road. The photographer that was teaching the class was Kelvin Chong. Most people recognise the name (I was not one of those people) coz of all the shoots that he does with the FM Radio & TV crew.

The class started at 630 and ended at 930pm. It was interesting to say the least but just so much information given in such a short time that when it came time for the practical, I was completely lost. The next class is set for Wednesday, same time and the last one is next Monday. Gotta love them scoopons!

Advice given by most people here at work was : Practise makes perfect ! 

Sunday 13 November 2011

The two way street

Every one knows about the two way street rule when it comes to relationships. To some it may come easy but others find it harder to open up about important things, forget about day to day activities.

Just recently I started experiencing this exact problem in my relationship. I am a very private person, lots of people believe they can read me like a book but not one single person can comment on my actual nature or events that have occurred in my life. After having gotten into my relationship, the boy used to tell me that I dont tell him things that go on in my life and that I've sort of built a wall around myself. It is now a year and a half into this relationship and the tables have turned.

I simply have learnt to share my day with him but every now and again, he misses out on few details and I have to hear about it from mutual friends with the same line "Oh didnt your boyfriend tell you?? " GRRRRR

So condescending. Am I overreacting or am I just a normal girl?

The 'Andrea Diet'

Just recently I have become obsessed with getting fit and strong. Two years I went through an anorexic phase where I lost so much weight my period actually stopped...eek...scary time. My weight plummeted to a mere 38 kgs. Then I picked up the weight and pushed forward to a slightly rounder 55 kgs which left me with *insert cry* love handles.

I've lost most of that water and bubble weight and have slimmed down to fit my tiny 5' feet frame. But those tiny love handles and cellulite bum & thighs are still ruling over my body. I'm about to start a diet that I call the 'Andrea Diet'.

Still living at home with my parents, curries is featured in every meal which makes it harder. My plan is to eat protein for dinner, low GI food, coconut water cocobella, no sugar (no chocolates wahhhh). All that mixed in with exercises 3-4 times a week which will consist of weight training, cardio and strength training.

Ahh wish me luck peeps!


Saturday 12 November 2011

First Day

So I have been wanting to do this for a while. Having been inspired by so many wonderful blogs out there on food, drinks, beauty products and even pregnancy!

I'm not exactly sure what I want to achieve out of this blog, just know that I would like to share my views and opinions on day to day activity as a stress relief.

So let me introduce myself, my name is Andrea. I am 20 years old and have been living in Perth, Australia for the past 3 1/2 years. I was born and brought up in Dubai, Middle East but I am of Indian heritage ( I think thats the best way to describe my nationality).

For now this blog will remain a secret, no knowledge given to my family or friends about it, just complete strangers who can relate to some of the daily issues we all face.

I think this is it for now.
